A curse on students…….but a fun also…..giving exams…..not a big deal…..can be easily given at any time anywhere…..just you have to do is….
chill out 2, 3 days before…..if you are feeling like you want to read books…..lie down on the bed…..close your eyes….and let the feelings go away……
when you are fully satisfied that the feeling has gone….get up and go to friend’s home…..who is indeed your best friend….and trying to study….and you don’t want him to do so…..go out with him and have a chit chat….with a soda…..and of course 2 to 3 smokes…..it will be very harmful for your health to talk anything about studies or exams…..
when only 1 day is left behind…..don’t worry….get up whenever you want……have a breakfast…..read newspaper…..watch tv……well now its 4pm and you had not even touched any book…..go to your room…lock the door…..sit on your chair….open the book….and then you will see that…..you don’t know this also….and that also…and this one too…..
well now what you should do……go out and have a walk…..think about what you can do the best…..come back home….call your friend…..ask him to help you….friend will never say NO to you….
Now its about 8pm and still you are blank……your friend who is trying to teach you has become insane….well not totally insane…..partially insane….coz he is trying to put things in donkey mind….and while putting it he forgot his own…..
I think you had done much for the exam…..go to your home…..and during exams it is advised to sleep as soon as possible……
Well all the exams have been given…..and you come to know that your friend is second to you……and staring at you like a prey…..go to him….give him a big pat on the back….and don’t forget to tell him that
1 comment:
"coz he is trying to put things in donkey mind"...I like this one :D
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